Elemental War 1.7.5

Elemental War 1.7.5 provides a few more bugfixes and improvements.
Elemental War Logo

Elemental War 1.7.5 provides a few more bugfixes and improvements.

As we received a few bug reports since the last update we decided to release another patch to fix those. It mostly affects the render issue after completing a game, but we also fixed everything else we found in the meantime or got reported.

Full changelog


  • author of mods now is tracked
  • added feature to report inappropriate content


  • fixed password reset not working when trying to enter e-mail address
  • fixed back to menu after game leading to render issues
  • fixed overlapping screens
  • exchanged platform icons in leaderboards
  • fixed potential bug when Vampire transforms to Vampire Bat in Hero Mode
  • hopefully fixed appearing empty message box

If you have any balancing concerns or bugs, please let us know, either as comment, in the discussions, via the Feedback functionality ingame or on Discord​.

Check out Elemental War on Kartridge.